Book a class

Let’s FLY HI together by becoming physically strong & mentally tough!! I am here to help you overcome your doubts and become the best and happiest you! A fun and sweaty community meant to build you up and help you see the shining star you are!


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hiit the barre

A 30-minute class combining BARRE-inspired moves with a HIIT style circuit to leave you feeling sweaty yet sexy! No equipment needed except a chair or tabletop surface to hold onto for stability. Lots of water and a towel recommended!

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This sculpt series will raise the heart rate, make your legs feel shaky, and will provide results of a sleeker, toner, and sculpted body - head to toe! We will chisel away at all your insecurities so you can overcome your fears and push yourself to be the best and strongest version of you!

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A circuit-style workout using resistance (dumbells or bands) that will help you build muscle, defining your natural body while giving you a toner and firmer look. You will finish feeling STRONG & MORE: physically strong and mentally tough!