Best Stretches for Your Workout

You’ve heard it - over and over again. “Make sure you stretch pre and post workout!”. Although that is true, it’s important to stretch appropriately based on the workout you are about to do. Let’s walk through what types of stretches are most ideal for your workout including the warm-up and cool down, and why it matters.

First, it depends on the type of workout. If you are engaging in a cardio or strength-training workout, you will want to prep your warm-up with dynamic stretches. This means stretches that are movement-based. Many times dynamic stretches in the warm-up will mimic the movements of the circuit or activity planned. Think reverse lunge w/ twist or high knees for a circuit warm-up or arm circles if you are a swimmer. The muscles have a chance to warm-up allowing for greater performance and reduce the risk of injury.

WARM-UP: Dynamic Stretches (examples)

  • High Knees

  • Jumping Jacks

  • Lunge w/ Twist

  • Hip Circles

  • Arm Circles

  • Plank Walkout w/ Spider Lunge & Reach

  • Lateral Lunge Flow

The stretches differ from static stretching because static stretches are held at the point of tension for 30 seconds. Static stretches are best to use during your cooldown phase. Since the muscles have have warmed up properly, used extensively throughout the circuit or activity, they are now in need of repair. This is where static stretching comes in. It will help your muscles lengthen and recover from the exercise.

COOLDOWN: Static Stretches (examples)

  • Hamstring Stretch

  • Triceps Stretch

  • Pigeon Pose

  • Downward Dog

Movement-based stretches during the warm-up prior to any cardio or strength-training routine and static stretches during the cooldown. This will give you the greatest chance of performance while reducing risk of injury. The muscles need to be warmed up in order for you to efficiently move in all the right directions. Make sure you warm-up for at least 2-3 minutes and include the cooldown for 2-3 minutes as well. Your body needs it!

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